PDC Meeting January 10, 2013

March 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In attendance: Archdale, Kramer, Woodall, Hambey, Pliler, Newman, Peterson, Roweton, Wallace, Paulsell, Ipock, Simmons, Sellenriek, Sechler, Azeez, Rosebrough, Houghtaling, Allie

Minutes: Motion made to accept minutes with corrections in misspelled names.

Calendar- 2013-14 Board Approved; Similar to last year; Fall PD day moved to November based on feedback from staff

PD Day Update given by Sellenriek- All staff will be working with a group on CAP/designated

agenda; the core areas will rotate into library for an hour to discuss vertical alignment. Sechler

asked if PDC Committee members could arrive a little bit early to help direct traffic to room


PD Budget Update given by Sellenriek- Some funds are still available (approx. less than half

from starting amount); all requests have been fully or partially funded thus far. She asked if we

can make sure requests have all details included to make process smoother.

PDL Update given by Simmons- Mentor meetings with PDL’s are going well and paperwork

seems smooth. It seems having the PDL position back in the building has been beneficial to


Protégé Book Study given by Sechler–Teachers are enjoying the virtual training. Discussion centered around the benefits/concerns of book study in addition to the building level required book studies. Sechler asked that committee continues to give feedback for improvement.

Willard University by Rosebrough- 6 proposals were submitted; Inquiries about ability and time

management of instructors sent to building principals by Rosebrough; Opened opportunity to

pre-school and Parents as Teachers programs in order to reach more families in the community.

Sub Committee Meetings:

Mentor/Protégé Building Reps meet with Carolyn

Building Budget Reps meet with Danielle

Categories: Meeting Minutes

PDC Meeting November 8, 2012

March 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In attendance:  Hockman, Kramer, Woodall, Hambey, Pliler, Newman, Peterson, Roweton, Wallace, Warner, Robinson, Ipock, Simmons, Sellenriek, Nixon, Rosebrough, Houghtaling, Allie, Pratt

Minutes:  Motion is made to accept the minutes as written and reviewed, with a spelling correction to Marc Allie’s first name.

New Business

  • BTA Feedback

Monthly Reports

  • PD Budget update is given by Sellenriek.
  •  PDL Update is given by Christy.  Review of dates, adding a few things, changing a few things, adjusting to the needs as they come.  Nixon comments about stages of things for new teachers, as they progress through their first two years. Meeting their needs, time management, classroom management.  Handout support resources for protégés.  In January the emphasis shifts to good instruction, Nixon expresses appreciation that the PDL program is back in place.
  • Mentor Meetings:  Simmons gives report about her first meeting in her building. Peterson says that special ed mentors are not able to make it to the scheduled meetings and adjustments have to be made to work around their schedules
  •  Protégé Book Study report given by Allie: some glitches with assignments  and surveys “showing up” online in the EdMoto system. Sechler expresses a glitch with switching Moodle servers, but things seem to be on track again now.
  •  Willard University report by Rosebrough  reports on the anticipated upcoming opportunities for the semester, which includes 10 teachers,  57 students, and  20 parents, including 11 with waived enrollment fees via scholarship.  Amanda – “girls just wanna have fun” which helps with building self esteem through “fun” interaction and activities.

 Sub-Committee Meetings

  • Mentor/Protégé Building Reps meet with Carolyn
  • Building Budget Reps meet with Danielle
Categories: Meeting Minutes

PDC Meeting October 11, 2012

March 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In attendance:  Hockman, Kramer, Woodall, Hambey, Pliler, Newman, Peterson, Roweton, Wallace, Warner, Robinson, Ipock, Simmons, Sellenriek, Nixon, Rosebrough, Houghtaling, Allie, Pratt

Minutes:  Motion is made to accept the minutes as written and reviewed.

New Business

  • Sharing Successes
  • PD Budget Update
  • District PD Day: Tiger Tech report is given by Mark Allie.  He shared some of the preliminary feedback, with most responders giving positive feedback with the EventBrite registration process, the length of the sessions, and the continued access to resources from the conferences, made available online for future use.
  • BTA report is given by Nixon, stating the participants and facilitators were a positive group, with 100% attendance by the new staff members from the district.

Monthly Reports

  • PDL report is given by Paulsell, stating that the reinstatement of the beginning-of-the-year meeting for PDL’s was very helpful with getting the program off to a good start, which trickles down to the mentors and the protégés.
  • Mentor meetings
  • Protégé Book report by Sechler, stating sessions are a mix of face to face and virtual. Virtual sessions include discussion threads.
  • Willard University report by Rosebrough.  Advertised on district Twitter & Facebook accounts. At least 5 K-12 participants. 3 so far with enough participants, but deadline not over.  

 Sub-Committee Meetings

  • Mentor/Protégé Building Reps meet with Carolyn
  • Building Budget Reps meet with Danielle
Categories: Meeting Minutes

PDC Meeting September 20, 2012

March 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In attendance: Hockman, Kramer, Woodall, Hambey, Pliler, Newman, Peterson, Roweton, Wallace, Warner, Robinson, Ipock, Simmons, Sellenriek, Nixon, Rosebrough, Houghtaling, Allie, Pratt

Minutes: Motion is made to accept the minutes as written, with the addition of Hambey’s name to those in attendance at the May 2012 meeting.

New Business

Clarification of PDC Dates: The dates of this school year’s PDC meetings are posted on the PDC website. Sechler will continue to send email reminders. Note is made that the March meeting is adjusted due to spring break. The dates for the meetings are as follows: 10/11, 11/8, 12/13, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21, 4/11, 5/9

HQTI was held August 6 – 10, 2012. The PDC committee plays a big role in this week, providing training and coordination. Sellenriek reported a good turnout and positive feedback (via Survey Monkey) and acknowledged the Chamber of Commerce’s increased participation, including goodie bags for the participants.

• The Professional Development Funds for the district were dramatically reduced for the school year ($25,000), with a significant proportion of funds shifted to assist the technology goals that benefit both students and teachers. Because of the decreased budget ($14,000 district total), the funds will not be distributed between buildings but instead will remain in one district pot. Representatives will still have influence over the requests that are submitted, but the decisions for actual fund allocation will be made by Pratt and Sellenriek. Note is made that the changes to the allocation method are a temporary adjustment to the decreased available funds and should not be a projection outlook for the ongoing management of PD funds in the years to come.

 Monthly Reports

Willard University proposals were due on September 15. There are currently 11 courses, with 18 teachers facilitating the various offerings. The classes will begin on October 15.

Instructional Excellence participation guidelines have been changed slightly this year. Instructional Excellence (IE) is now available to any new-to-the-district teacher who has completed a verifiable 2-year mentoring program, anywhere in the state.

PDL/Mentor meetings have both been recently held. PDL representatives met for training and support with Nixon. Mentors then met with their assigned first & 2nd year teachers, distributing binders with important expectations and deadlines.

Protégé Book Studies this year have been organized to focus on the specific needs ofelementary, middle, or high school teachers. The book studies feature the books, Class Acts, and Classroom Instruction That Works

Mentor Training at HQTI seemed to have gone well, with evaluations completed but not yet reflected upon.

 Sub-Committee Meetings

• Mentor/Protégé Building Reps meet with Carolyn

• Building Budget Reps meet with Danielle

Categories: Uncategorized

PDC Meeting May 10, 2012

March 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In attendance: Hockman, Kramer, Lord, Pliler, Sevon, Peterson, Roweton, Earl,  Paulsell, Robinson, Ipock, Simmons, Sechler, Nixon, Rosebrough, Tennison, Allie, Garton, Sellenriek

Minutes:  Motion is made, with a second, for minutes to be accepted and approved, with a spelling correction from “Hambry” to “Hambey”

New Business

  • Clarification of PDC Roles:  The master list of members is double-checked for accuracy.  Roles of the committee members are reviewed, with special clarification given to PDL reps.
  •  HQTI is August 6 – 10, 2012.  The PDC committee plays a big role in this week, providing training and coordination of the mentor training part of this opportunity
  • The meeting dates for the upcoming year are as following:  9/13, 10/11, 11/8, 12/13, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21 (delayed date due to spring break), 4/11, 5/9

Old Business

  • A finalized copy of the amended PD plan, including the $25,000 approved cuts from the last meeting, is distributed for review.

Sub-Committee Meetings

  • Mentor/Protégé Building Reps meet with Carolyn
  • Building Budget Reps meet with Michelle
Categories: Uncategorized

PDC Meeting April 19, 2012

March 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In attendance:  Hockman, Kramer, Lord, Pliler, Sevon, Hambry, Newman, Peterson, Roweton, Wallace, Azeez, Earl, Wolf, Paulsell, Robinson, Ipock, Sechler, Rosebrough, Simmons, Nixon, Allie

Minutes:  Motion is made, with a second, for minutes to be revised (wording change from “summer” to “May”) and approved.


  • Motion is made, with a second, to recommend Sechler as committee chairperson for  the 2012-2013 school year, with Sechler accepting the nomination.
  • Motion is made, with a second, to recommend Robinson as committee secretary for the 2012- 2013 school year, with Robinson accepting the nomination.

Old Business

  • 2012-2013 PD Plan & Budget:  Much discussion is involved regarding the $25,000 that is to be cut from the upcoming budget.  Nixon and      Sechler explain that cuts are spread across the district in many areas and      analysis should be made to preserve the essential elements needed to      effectively operate the PD budget.  An amended plan, showing      potential cuts in each area, was presented to the committee and the      committee discussed each section in depth.  Decision was made by vote      to accept the cuts as proposed and approve the amended budget.
  • New      Building Representatives:  The new representatives will officially      begin their terms in May.

Sub-Committee Meetings

  • Mentor/Protégé      Building Reps meet with Carolyn

Building Budget Reps meet with Michelle

Categories: Meeting Minutes

PDC Meeting–March 8, 2012

March 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In attendance:  Hockman, Kramer, Lord, Pliler, Sevon, Peterson, Roweton, Earl,  Paulsell, Robinson, Ipock, Simmons, Sechler, Nixon, Rosebrough, Tennison, Allie, Garton, Sellenriek

Minutes:  Motion is made, with a second, for minutes to be accepted and approved

Monthly Reports

Willard University:  Classes are winding down, with most of them ending around spring break. Willard South will be hosting an after- school artist club after spring break.  Intro to kindergarten classes will be promoted at screening, with some classes to be held this summer for parents of incoming kindergartners. Sevon shared some positive feedback regarding the class she is leading, and Nixon discussed her hopes for an upcoming class she will facilitate.

Protégé Meeting: Meetings are going on as scheduled.  Next year’s program will offer new differentiated sessions for first year and second year teachers.

Old Business

PDC Member Election Results:

  • North    Amanda Hambey
  • South     Lindsay Wallace
  • East       Robin Kramer
  • Central                 Danielle Hockman
  • Orchard Hills       LeeAnne Peterson
  • Intermediate      Zanna Warner
  • Middle School    Lindsay Paulsell
  • High School         Janet Simmons

HQTI: Tentative Dates will be August 6-9 for the 2012-2013 school year

2012-2013 PD Plan & Budget: The Committee split into sub-groups to review and summarize the professional development plan, section by section.  As each sub-group summarized their section aloud, discussion ensued with questions asked and rewording suggested helping clarify the intentions of the document.  This discussion will resume during the April meeting to thoroughly discuss all areas of the document, make necessary revisions, and approve the revised document for the next school year.

Sub-Committee Meetings

  • Mentor/Protégé Building Reps meet with Carolyn
  • Building Budget Reps meet with Michelle


Categories: Meeting Minutes

PDC Meeting February 9, 2012

March 21, 2012 Leave a comment

In Attendance: Robin Kramer, Hanna Lord, Kristy Pliler, Lori Sevon, Debbie Newman, LeeAnne Peterson, Jamie Roweton, Amy Earl, Julie Wolf, Nancy Ipock, Janet Simmons, Lindsay Paulsell, Beth Robinson, Michelle Sechler, Matt Rosebrough, Rachel Tennison, Danielle Sellenriek, Carolyn Nixon, Marc Allie, Linda Azeez.

Minutes: Lindsay made motion to accept minutes from December 8, 2011. Minutes approved.

District Update- Dr. Medlin: Dr. Medlin wanted to share thoughts going into next year.

  • He is working on a new 3-year systematic phase-in of technology. He feels that buildings are potentially moving in opposite directions and wants to bring the district back to a common focus.
  • Next year, stimulus money is gone and the amount allocated by the state is very uncertain. Districts will not know final amount until May. What does this mean for PDC? Willard has continued to set aside typical 1% for PDC as well as money for instructional coaches over the years. Dr. Medlin is asking for ‘shared sacrifices’ among groups in the districts. He is considering reducing PD budget and moving funds to technology. He has requested the PD committee to prioritize needs/wants.
  • Issues that are affecting his decisions-1. Local funds did not come in as high as expected. 2. District has had a continual growth of students over the last 5 years but this year, we had an uncommon lack of growth (Projected for year-75 kids, Actual for year-15 kids).
  • Dr. Medlin’s request to PDC committee is for reallocation of funds.
  • New staff will likely not be hired but replacement staff will be.
  • PDC committee needs to have priority list created by end of March for review by Dr. Medlin and School Board.
  • Dr. Marcum is not returning as Director of Instruction next year. Linda Azeez is serving as interim director for the remainder of this year. A representative from PD will be asked to serve on the interview team for the position.  Dr. Medlin shared his vision for the position- visibility, leadership, focused instructional planner, team player and key decision-maker.

Notes from Michelle Sechler, Committee Chairperson: Michelle requested that committee comes with suggestions on PD budget and needs/wants in the specific building. Michelle and Carolyn will be meeting in the coming weeks to devise plan for the 2012-13 for committee review at March meeting.

PD Member Elections: Each building has a seat up for election and will need to address faculty on filling position. Michelle needs name of elected member by March meeting. 

2012-13 PD Plan and Budget: PDC budget will be reduced and committee will discuss changes at March meeting.  Reinstating the PDL position was discussed and tabled for next meeting.

2012-13 District Calendar: A copy of the Board approved calendar was presented. Looking ahead to HQTI in August. Details will be coming soon.

Willard U- Matt Rosebrough: 100 people are enrolled (75 different families). 14 different teachers- 22 courses offered, 10 courses acutally made. Teachers are enjoying experience and feedback has been positive thus far. Participants have paid fees which is fully covering program costs.

Protégé Meeting Updates-Linda Azeez: Group has been looking at non-linguistic strategies. Attendance is good and feedback is positive.

Sub-Committee Meetings: Mentor/Protégé-Carolyn collected copies of all mid-year evaluations for use in a program evaluation. Budget-Michelle discussed building spending.

Next meeting is March 8, 2012

Categories: Meeting Minutes

PDC Meeting December 8, 2011

March 21, 2012 Leave a comment

In attendance:  Melanie Jones, Lori Sevon, Debbie Newman, LeeAnne Peterson, Marla McKan, Jamie Roweton, Amy Earl, Julie Wolf, Beth Robinson, Nancy Ipock, Lindsay Paulsell, Michelle Sechler, Matt Rosebrough, Rachel Tennison

Minutes-Beth made motion to accept minutes from October 13, 2011. Miinutes approved. There was no meeting on Thursday, November 10, 2011.

PD Update
South-PE coach went to motor conference
Middle School- Update with video/google docs
High School-Moodle training, others have been department specific
Central-Kagan training
Orchard Hills-Kagan training and Coach went to Jensen training
North-Kagan training special teachers
Intermediate-SMART Response Clicker training

Willard University Update
30 kids, almost all had parents with them, which brought total to over 60 enrolled.
6 of 7 classes made.  Surveyed parents who attended classes, with feedback being extremely positive.  Great Relationship building between students and parents.  Surveyed wants of parents and that information will be shared through a staff email and at teacher informational meeting which will be held December 20.  Proposals will be due January 1.

Year End Evaluation
The PDC committee will need to develop a Professional Needs Survey that will be sent out at end of the school year.  The proposed timeline will be towards the end of April, in order to avoid the end of the year rush.  Will possibly look at National models and other various surveys in order to see a variety of current PD surveys.

Going to Board of Education for proposal.  Will share with PDC committee when it becomes available.

Protege Meeting Updates
Teaching Specialists meet with Protege’s on a monthly basis and focus on Professional Responsibilities, Classroom Management, and Instructional Focus.

Concern was brought up that more needs to be done with Mentors.  Mentors do not attend the once a month trainings, but there needs to be follow-up with mentors on a consistent basis.  Possibly look at mentors attending a beginning of year training, and beginning of second year training.  Mentors need binders that match the New Teacher binder.  First year mentors especially need more information on paperwork.

Budget updates-Susan will email budgets out next week.

Categories: Meeting Minutes

PDC Meeting October 13, 2011

March 21, 2012 Leave a comment

In attendance:  Hockman, Jones, Kramer, Lord, Pliler, Sevon, McKan, Earl, Wolf, Paulsell, Robinson, Ipock, Simmons, Marcum, Sechler, Nixon, Rosebrough, Tennison, Allie, Sellenriek

Minutes:  Minutes are approved, as reviewed and modified by the committee, and are posted on the district website

New Business: 

  • Middle School Proposal for use of PDC funds:  Paulsell discusses the dilemma middle school has been going through about the most effective way to utilize the reduced funding in the most effective and efficient ways.  Paulsell describes how the funds have been split into 2 pools, with $1100 ear-marked for traditional PDC requests, and $3000 set aside for quarterly in-house professional development opportunities. These sessions will be designed to specifically meet the needs of middle school teachers.
  • Webinars/Online Professional Development Opportunities:  Ipock brings up a specific webinar request from her building, which would be equitable to a conference or seminar, only on-line.  Discussion arrived at the conclusion that these situations should be handled on a case by case basis, according to building needs and criteria.

Old Business:

  • BTA: Sechler and Nixon discussed BTA. Feedback from participates was overwhelming positive. Nixon is checking into the possibility of offering this MSTA BTA workshop for Willard only teachers.
  •  Tiger Tech:  Rosebrough discussed the recent session.  He mentioned the need for a more descriptive overview for each session available.  Most responding participants indicated appreciation for the application time in the afternoon.   Some suggested the need for leveled instruction (i.e. beginning, middle, advanced) and the helpfulness of a technology Q & A session.  Rosebrough also mentioned the broadened opportunities for next year’s Tiger Tech Day, which will include some technology and some instructional sessions.
  •  Protégé Meetings:  Sechler reminds the committee that protégés meet once a month.  Nixon mentions some needed support for mentors to help their protégés stay on track.

Sub-Committee Meetings:

Building Mentor/Protégé Reps – Meet with Nixon

Building Budget Reps – Meet with Marcum


Categories: Meeting Minutes